Functional visual design at a reasonable price

Drill Dojo Doodles

Stratagem Excerpt: The 12 Characterics of an Effective Visual Basics Program

1.     An effective visual basics program begins on day one and continues throughout the season following a logical progression as part of each rehearsal.

2.     An effective visual basics program does not ignore the percussion (battery) or auxiliary.

3.     An effective visual basics program strives for uniformity of movement in method, technique, and timing throughout the ensemble.

4.     An effective visual basics program provides for individual, small group (squad or section) and full ensemble refinement of full body movement (upper/lower body and choreography).

5.     An effective visual basics program is directly related to the visual and musical content of the production. This relationship is clearly communicated to the performers by the instructional staff. The entire visual vocabulary of the production is covered within the visual basics program.

6.     An effective visual basics program utilizes modeling and repetition in the refinement of movement.

7.     In an effective visual basics program, all movement concepts are modeled and verbalized by the best example available.

8.     In an effective visual basics program, all movements are defined to their smallest details by the instructional staff BEFORE being demonstrated for the performers.

9.     An effective visual basics program requires active thought and engagement from the performers.

10.  In an effective visual basics program, performers take an active role in the refinement of movement.

11.  An effective visual basics program consists of exercises which layer responsibilities rather than merely repeat the same single movement for long periods of time.

12.  An effective visual basics program is creative in its approach to performance concepts and challenges.

I love hearing from readers like you. If you have something you would like to add to my list, let me know by commenting below.—DB